
Journal Publications

  • Ahmad Ataka, Taqi Abrar, Fabrizio Putzu,Hareesh Godaba, Kaspar Althoefer. Model-based posecontrol of inflatable eversion robot with variable stiffness. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 5.2(2020): 3398-3405.2.
  • Tan Yu Jun,Hareesh Godaba, Ge Chen, Siew Ting Melissa Tan, Guanxiang Wan, Guojingxian Li, PuiMun Lee et al. 2019. "A transparent, self-healing and high- dielectric for low-field-emission stretchableoptoelectronics." Nature Materials (2019): 1-7.

•Highlighted on Nature Materials‘ News and Views.

•Featured in NUS News, Straits Times, Tech Explorist and several other media.

  • Hareesh Godaba, Zhi-Qian Zhang, Ujjaval Gupta, Choon Chiang Foo, and Jian Zhu. 2019. “Instabilitiesin dielectric elastomers: buckling, wrinkling and crumpling”. Soft Matter 15, 7137-7144.

•Featured on the Inside Front Cover of the journal issue.

  • Ujjaval Gupta, Qin Lei, Yingxi Wang,Hareesh Godaba, and Jian Zhu. 2019. “Soft robots based ondielectric elastomer actuators: A review". Smart Materials and Structures 28.10: 103002.
  • Li, Lu, Hareesh Godaba, Hongliang Ren, and Jian Zhu. "Bioinspired Soft Actuators for Eyeball Motions in Humanoid Robots." IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (2018).
  • Li Jisen, Hareesh Godaba, Zhi Qian Zhang, Choon Chiang Foo and Jian Zhu. 2018. "A soft active origami robot". Extreme Mechanics Letters, 24, pp.30-37.
  • Hareesh Godaba, Zhi-Qian Zhang, Ujjaval Gupta, Choon Chiang Foo, and Jian Zhu. 2017. “Dynamic Pattern of Wrinkles in a Dielectric Elastomer.” Soft Matter 13(16):2942–51.
  • Li Zhe, Yingxi Wang, Choon Chiang Foo, Hareesh Godaba, Jian Zhu, and Choon Hwai Yap. 2017. “The Mechanism for Large-Volume Fluid Pumping via Reversible Snap-through of Dielectric Elastomer.” Journal of Applied Physics 122 (8). AIP: 84503.
  • Hui Zhang*, Yingxi Wang*, Hareesh Godaba, Boo Cheong Khoo, Zhisheng Zhang, and Jian Zhu. “Harnessing dielectric breakdown of elastomer to achieve large actuation”. Journal of Applied Mechanics 84, no. 12 (2017): 121011.
  • Sheldon Ho, Hritwick Banerjee, Yoke Yin Foo, Hareesh Godaba, Winn Maung Maung Aye, Jian Zhu, and Choon Hwai Yap. 2017. “Experimental Characterization of a Dielectric Elastomer Fluid Pump and Optimizing Performance via Composite Materials.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, April. 1045389X17704921.
  • Hareesh Godaba, Jisen Li, Yuzhe Wang, and Jian Zhu. 2016. “A Soft Jellyfish Robot Driven by a Dielectric Elastomer Actuator.” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 1(2): 624–31. (Also accepted for presentation in ICRA 2016)
  • Zhenbo Lu, Hareesh Godaba, Yongdong Cui, Choon Chiang Foo, Marco Debiasi, and Jian Zhu. 2015. “An Electronically Tunable Duct Silencer Using Dielectric Elastomer Actuators.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 138 (3). EL236–41.
  • Ujjaval Gupta, Hareesh Godaba, Zijie Zhao, Chee Kong Chui, and Jian Zhu. 2015. “Tunable Force/displacement of a Vibration Shaker Driven by a Dielectric Elastomer Actuator.” Extreme Mechanics Letters 2. Elsevier: 72–77.
  • Hareesh Godaba, Choon Chiang Foo, Zhi Qian Zhang, Boo Cheong Khoo, and Jian Zhu. 2014. “Giant Voltage-Induced Deformation of a Dielectric Elastomer under a Constant Pressure.” Applied Physics Letters 112901: 8–12.

Conference Proceedings

  • .Hareesh Godaba, Ivan Vitanov, Faisal AlJaber, Ahmad Ataka, Kaspar Althoefer. A bending sensorinsensitive to pressure: soft proprioception based on abraded optical fibres. IEEE International Conferenceon Soft Robotics (Robosoft) 2020. (In Press)
  • T. Abrar, A. Hassan, F. Putzu, H. Godaba, A. Ataka, and K. Althoefer. An Inhomogeneous StructuredEversion Actuator. Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems. TAROS 2020. Lecture Notes in ComputerScience; (Accepted)
  • Hareesh Godaba, Fabrizio Putzu, Taqi Abrar, Jelizaveta Konstantinova, and Kaspar Althoefer. PayloadCapabilities and Operational Limits of Eversion Robots. Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems. TAROS2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 3rd - 5th July 2019.
  • Abu Bakar Dawood,Hareesh Godaba, and Kaspar Althoefer. Modelling of a soft sensor for exteroceptionand proprioception in a pneumatically actuated soft robot. Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems. TAROS2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 3rd - 5th July 2019.
  • Ahmed Hassan,Hareesh Godaba, Kaspar Althoefer. Design Analysis of a Fabric Based LightweightRobotic Gripper. Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems. TAROS 2019. Lecture Notes in ComputerScience, vol 11649. Springer, Cham.
  • Hareesh Godaba, Yuzhe Wang, Jiawei Cao, and Jian Zhu. “Development of Soft Robots Using DielectricElastomer Actuators.” In SPIE Smart Structures and Materials+ Nondestructive Evaluation and HealthMonitoring (2016), 97981T – 97981T.
  • Hareesh Godaba, Choon Chiang Foo, Zhi Qian Zhang, Boo Cheong Khoo, and Jian Zhu. “A DielectricElastomer Actuator Coupled with Water: Snap-through Instability and Giant Deformation.” In Proc. SPIE(2015), 9430:94302C – 94302C – 9.
  • Ujjaval Gupta,Hareesh Godaba, and Jian Zhu. Dynamic analysis of a vibration shaker based on adielectric elastomer actuator. Proceedings of the 25th CANCAM, London, Ontario, Canada, May 31-June4, 2014.